World Bank Headquarters, Washington DC, 2015
Religion and Sustainable Development: Building Partnerships to End Extreme Poverty

Organized under the auspices of JLI (with PFD as fiduciary agent) in collaboration with the World Bank Group’s Faith Initiative, co-hosted by German US and UK governments, the GHR Foundation and World Vision, and co-sponsored by leading FBOs including Tearfund, CMMB, CRS, Islamic Relief USA, IMA World Health, with McKinsey and Co. The conference goal was to connect policymakers to knowledge, experience, research, methods and experts to support more effective partnerships between religious and faith-based groups and the public sector in the common cause of ending extreme poverty and promoting sustainable development. The conference facilitated a high level, the evidence-based action-oriented conversation among 140 leaders of diverse international policy, faith-inspired and academic groups about what works and what does not when it comes to engaging faith assets. The McKinsey and Co Report on effective partnerships, and the Lancet launched its Series on Faith-based Health Care were launched at the RSD conference.

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